Maximize Your Potential with Generative AI at The Savvy Founder

In today's fast-paced world, staying ahead means being innovative. At The Savvy Founder, we go beyond typical strategy services. We use advanced AI and simple tools to improve your workflow. Our team of experts combines skills with technology to boost your business. With generative AI, we can help streamline operations, save time, and grow faster. We offer strategies and tools to not just survive but thrive in a changing business world. Let us help you blend innovation and efficiency for a successful future.

Who We Are

  • The Savvy Founder Brand Pillars

    Growth and Innovation

    In this fast-paced, hyper-changing world, businesses must innovate, adapt, and grow profitably to survive. Our solutions combine people, growth, and innovation to develop resilient and adaptable organizations.

  • The Savvy Founder Brand Pillars

    People First

    We prioritize people as the foundation of every successful business. We genuinely believe in strengthening not only ourselves but also our customers, partners, communities, and the planet for a sustainable future.

  • The Savvy Founder Brand Pillars

    Future Forwarding

    Implementing digital transformation alone is not enough to ensure a growing organization in the face of exponential change. We leverage our unique human capacity for adaptability, curiosity, and collaboration to forge a future where technology works with us, not against us.

  • The Savvy Founder Brand Pillars

    Data-driven Insights

    Our data-driven storytelling approach assists us to uncover the ground truth by looking past our biases and prejudices, accelerating our clients' potential

  •  The Savvy Founder Brand Pillars

    Success Aligned

    We are results-oriented and support our clients to achieve their goals and objectives. Our success is measured by the success stories of our clients


Allow The Savvy Founder to be your guide as we move towards a future where innovation seamlessly integrates with efficiency. We understand the distinct challenges faced by businesses embracing the new generative AI technologies. Our team, consisting of seasoned business consultants, and certified MindStudio AI experts, is dedicated to empowering companies like yours to thrive.

Things People Have Said

  • A Holistic Approach

    Philip mentors with a holistic view and really gets you to think about how you are building your business. Recommended for founders that are trying to navigate how to bring their product to market and grow the channels to make it successful. Think about the end in mind that you want for yourself and your company.


  • Productivity

    Wow! I didn’t know you could do that. I though ChatGPT was a toy. I now find its brcome my goto tool for saving me time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Mark - CEO and Founder - Climate Tech company

  • Mentorship

    I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to Philip for the wonderful I-corps program. As my mentor in the I-corps program, Philip's guidance and expertise were invaluable to me. He provided thoughtful comments and insights that not only deepened my understanding of the process but also gave me the confidence to continue. Philip's dedication to sharing his knowledge and expertise with us was evident throughout the program, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from him. Once again, thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us. It was truly a pleasure to learn from you.


  • Inclusivity

    Philip Topham is a rare gem. He presents as a typical white man who has walked the white male privilege path and yet it’s quite the opposite.

    His parents came from England with nothing and worked so hard to create and life for him in a new country. The experiences he had in his childhood being an immigrant in a new country created an awareness of those who don’t fit in and struggle to thrive.

    If you are a person with big dreams of being a leader and you want to create a start up that is going to make a difference in the world and you feel like the odds are stacked up against you. You couldn’t ask for a better coach in your corner than Philip.

    Get to know him and just like me you will understand why he is so amazing and such a great asset for you and your business.


  • Building People

    Philip mentored me as I worked on building my startup MuvnDay. He was very helpful in guiding me and providing an additional perspective and insight that I would not have considered otherwise.

    He always had philosophical ideas that would help me come to a better decision on whatever challenge or issue I was facing. His friendly demeanor and candidness makes him easy to work with. I always looked forward to our meetings. I really enjoyed his mentorship and hope to have his advice and mentorship again in the future.


  • Innovation and Insight

    As a recognized expert business coach, I am always on the lookout for mature, seasoned, and experienced talent.

    I was introduced to Phillip through a professional networking group designed to connect critical thinkers. We had an excellent initial conversation and several in-depth follow-ups. I

    In all the thousands of conversations and engagements I have experienced, Phillip is a rare and outstanding individual. I value his collaborative and insightful perspectives. I always come away from an encounter enriched and invigorated. I highly recommend him and know his contribution will be well worth your time and effort.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have more questions? Contact us >

  • The FaST℠ methodology has been specifically developed to empower future-forwarding leaders that are building businesses for a better future. FaST℠ starts with Focus to help the business identify the massive transformative purpose (MTP). An MTP helps drive strategic and alignment tactical excellence. Furthermore a well defined MTP helps companies attract and retain talent to power growth and accelerate the future.

  • Our approach is built on this fundamental understanding the world is hyper-changing and the implications on how we work is profound. Technological changes, political changes, and climate changes, are exceeding our individual capacity to keep up. But the human race is extremely adaptable. When we band together to form groups, communities and companies we are a resilient species. The Savvy Founder recognizes that our human strength to work together is an amazing strength. We fold this strength into our brand pillars with our deeply felt “people first” philosophy, and give careful consideration to all our brand pillars.

  • I’ve heard alot about ‘data-driven’ insights – What does this really mean in the context of my business, and how do you ensure the data you use is accurate and relevant? Data-driven insights mean leveraging accurate, real-time data to inform decisions. This approach minimizes bias and ensures we base recommendations on factual evidence. Essentially, it's our mantra of “Tell me what you know, not what you think you know!” We emphasize collecting and analyzing data to drive business outcomes, holding ourselves and our clients accountable

  • Please see the “Case Studies” and “Testimonials” webpages. The case studies are based on actual results but for privacy reasons the identities have been hidden.

  • The Savvy Founder primarily partners with innovative and forward-looking businesses, predominantly young companies within their first decade. We also assist established firms in commercializing their intrapreneurial initiatives. Our clients typically harness emerging technologies arising like Artificial Intelligence, Health & Medical advancements, IoT, Genetic Sequencing, Material Sciences, and more. Many of these companies arise from research universities and deep-subject matter experts. We've engaged with sectors spanning Finance, HealthTech, MedTech, SaaS, PropTech, AgTech, Robotics, CleanTech, Energy, among others.

  • "The Savvy Founder partners with forward-thinking companies dedicated to building a better future. We refrain from collaborating with businesses in tobacco, recreational cannabis, vaping, gambling, many dating apps, attention economy apps, weapons and arms manufacturing, or any sector profiting from broader societal harms."

  • Our "People First" pillar emphasizes the significance of human-centric approaches, nurturing relationships, and fostering a sense of community. In alignment with this, our offerings prioritize the well-being and growth of not only our clients but also their customers, partners, and communities. We strive for solutions that enhance the human experience, believing that the success of any venture is deeply rooted in the people who power it.

  • At The Savvy Founder, our human-centric approach is deeply embedded in our 'People First' pillar. We start by understanding the unique needs, aspirations, and challenges faced by our clients, their employees, and their customers. We prioritize open dialogue and active listening, ensuring that every strategy is tailored to the real-world needs and experiences of the people it impacts. By merging data-driven insights with empathy, we craft strategies that resonate on a personal level, fostering relationships and building a sense of community. Ultimately, we believe that placing people at the heart of our strategies results in more meaningful, sustainable, and impactful solutions.

  • With the rapid changes in the business environment, how do you keep your strategies and advisory services up-to-date and relevant?

    In the swiftly evolving business landscape, The Savvy Founder remains proactive in its approach to staying updated. We emphasize continuous learning, immersing ourselves in emerging trends, technologies, and market dynamics. Our team is an active participant in industry seminars, workshops, and think tanks. Moreover, given that our clients are at the forefront of using emerging tech, they provide invaluable exposure, introducing us to cutting-edge innovations firsthand. This symbiotic relationship, where we learn as much from our clients as they do from us, keeps our pulse on the newest advancements.

  • "Our Fractional Executive Services provide businesses with expert leadership in various roles tailored to their specific needs. This includes positions such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). By offering seasoned professionals in these capacities, we ensure businesses receive strategic guidance, even without a permanent executive."

  • We hold client confidentiality in the highest regard. Understanding the sensitivity of business information, we implement strict protocols to ensure that all client data, strategies, and proprietary insights are safeguarded. All our engagements begin with a mutual non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to legally affirm our commitment to protecting your information. Our team is trained regularly on best practices in data security and confidentiality, ensuring that your trust in us is well-placed. Rest assured, your business secrets remain just that—secret.

  • Our service offerings at The Savvy Founder are designed with flexibility at their core. We recognize that every business has unique challenges and requirements. Whether it's hourly Business Strategy Advisory, monthly retained services, or Fractional Executive roles, clients can choose the engagement model that best aligns with their needs. Additionally, our modular approach allows businesses to scale or modify services as they evolve, ensuring they always receive the right level of support at every stage of their growth journey.

  • At The Savvy Founder, we understand that selecting a consultancy involves both a financial and strategic commitment. Recognizing the inherent risks for businesses, especially when initiating a new partnership, we offer a 50% discount during the initial engagement period. This not only alleviates financial apprehension but also provides an opportunity for clients to truly evaluate the value we bring to the table. Our primary aim is to ensure a symbiotic relationship, one that's mutually beneficial. We firmly believe in the potential of every business we engage with, but we also recognize the importance of commitment from both sides. Therefore, during the initial period, if we observe that there's a misalignment of goals or a reluctance to fully engage in the transformative process, we reserve the right to amicably part ways with the client. We adopt this approach to maintain the integrity of our work and ensure the best outcomes for all parties involved.

Navigating Business Horizons: Insights for Thriving in a Rapidly Changing World

Welcome to "The Savvy Founder," where we unravel the dynamic tapestry of the modern business landscape. In an era defined by relentless change and innovation, staying ahead in the business world requires more than just adaptability – it demands a deep understanding of the currents that shape industries, a keen eye for potential pitfalls, and a strategic mindset that propels you toward growth.

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